Saturday, May 20, 2017

Chandna by Sunny Chandel

I would like to pen a poem of mine over here, its a cinquain :

That Love
Of Poetry
Digs the inner recess
Of my mind to explore and learn
And rest.

The book is the fruit of the drive and spirit the poet is innately gifted with. It expresses a pool of emotions with the groundedness of thought very predominant.

It captures the emotions and dreams with such simplicity that a reader finds themselves in the small town environment where fresh feelings and freedom blooms into something beautiful.

The cover design is simple and straight forward.

The book is not officially published and is simply a record of the work the writer has collected, which makes it somewhat a private journal. That is also a blessing in disguise for the poet as that gives him a better first timer opening. It is not available anywhere online for purchase.

There are a few words that are repetitive which gives a smooth serene feeling to the book. It also expresses the love of the author towards those few words when he is penning a new poem. Repetitive use of words in different places in varied perspectives stresses an emphasis on those words for a reader making the reader realize a better purpose beyond what the words intend to achieve. This skill is very seductive and enriching, it makes a reader enjoy the book more.

The language of the book is in Hindi.

With this I wish the author all the best for his book!!

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