Friday, September 27, 2024

Sparks Before The Fire

Today, unlike my usual posts, am going to be talking about my own book 

published by a person, I admire a lot - Suzanne Eaton, Owner of Airlift Publishing


Before I jump right in, guys a fair disclaimer, self-love is unhealthy ;)

So, watz this bhuk al about, eh ?? 

This book puts together thoughtfully penned anecdotes. They are fragments which miraculously make sense independently as well as when each of them are put together as one whole book, through an invisible connection that simply gifts the reader with qualities such as unity, honesty, loyalty amongst many more. 

Replace your habit of reading newspapers in the morning when you wake up with a single minute read of this book and a practice of applying them someway in your life and commence the day. It'll save your time and keep your mind healthy. 

Alrie, alright... where does this stuff come to you [as in me :) ] .. dah! ya do yoga or follow a guru or something?? 

So, that's a very good question. Well frankly it comes from the voice within. you know, my intellect, prompts me to PICK A PEN (like a command of sorts) and I do and the ink starts poring onto the paper. Am like - wow!! When am done. Of course, everyone has an inner conscious. so do I. I've nurtured it to grow and guide me, when my senses seem to play mischief and hostile environment, neighbors , friends or family etc seem to deceive. 

My inner voice is my guru, my yoga or meditation. 

Why should others get this book, whats so special about it that we won't get in another? I'd might as well choose a #1 Bestseller? 

I guess, your language itself shows that I've developed some interest. your voice is no longer drooling. so, obviously there is some substance in it. And if I reveal everything here, what'll you do after getting the book :) 

Answering your question - there will be books pressing principles to your chest claiming that if you make it your guru mantra your life will change for the better, they'll conceal the reasoning and concepts behind those principles. This book does no such thing. 

It'll present thoughts on various subjects, at some places giving the reasoning behind, ideas which I do not conceal or keep secret. It'll equip you to understand and make your own decisions. There is a mix of a lot of things in the book. 

Each of the piece is a drop of water from the ocean. The ocean aka title of other books - which you can get to get more insight in that particular topic. 

The book still amazes me, by how I managed to link every piece with an invisible string as ONE. 

That's fantabulous, where can I get the book ? 

The ISBN of the book is 979-8-89546-589-9  = use this ISBN on Barnes and Noble to get the book. 

You can also find it on other bookselling websites. 

Publishers website also lists the book - 

Otherwise, you can get it directly from me. If you wish to place a bulk order, contact me directly and I'll process it for you. 

I'll head for them right away !!!! 

Friday, January 5, 2024

The Friendless God by S. Anuradha

The author was recommended by R.N. Bhaskar, a reputed journalist I met at Bhopal in February 2023. 
R.N. Bhaskar is known for having published a biography of Gautam Adani. 

It is interesting to note that the book mentions the 'First Edition' was published in 2017, just in case anybody deludes themselves to believe it comes at a time just when Ayodhya Ram Mandir is being talked about with the clock ticking for the time of its inaugural on the 22nd January 2024. 

The author identifies herself as a Historian and Financial Journalist, which rather disappointed me, after reading the book. As I found meagre research work or grounded facts. 

The title of the book, the Friendless God, creates a tremor but when your eyes read the sub title, that's where it all begins - the journey to explore what the book has to say. 

Staunch denial of the author, in their attempt to appear realistic, that anti- asceticism - made the story very hard to understand, one wondered what was going on, who or what was the writer talking about and the narration is very vague. Conclusively, in fact, the staunch denial has brought out, that which the writer is seemingly wanting to bury, ever more brightly. 

The characters - Raman, Vaidehi and Kodanda are very shallow. There is a lot of potential in each one of them, that has not been dug into and for a writer who claims is a historian and a financial journalist, in the back cover of the book - I'd only say it reflects poorly on the author. 

The plot is like a tidal wave, not moving forward and only repeats itself over and over again, except at one place where Kodanda runs away. So, without there being proper writing techniques applied, it becomes very dull and predictive. However, the bright side of this is, that even if a reader leaves the book for 10-15 days, when they open the book they find it easy to pick up from where they left. 

I'd like to put a personal thought provoking note to the author here - 
If the West are known for the Practicality and Money, The East have been known for the Ethics and Value. Interestingly, a Doctor will validate it, by saying the left brain is logical whilst the right brain is mystical. Just as the left is depicted as masculine (The Sun), right as feminine (the Moon). Both play a part in maintaining a balance, the world cannot exist without the other. 


The book doesn't need to and may not change what it wants to convey at all, let me make this clear. The writer needs to either overcome their blocks or hire a good editor or a ghostwriter. They need to pump in more concrete reasoning behind the scenes. After all its an historian writing the book, not a baby neglecting forced feeding. Just That much work, will give a cutting-edge touch to the book. 

Until such time, I wouldn't recommend this book. 

So, lets say ... even if the author accidentally ended up reaching the book to the descendants of Lord Ram himself, then the author will not realize it. Such tragedies may also happen with the author. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

New York Wakes To Culture by Karina Pandya

 If you seek to pick up a light read just before you're about to board the plane to New York then this'll make a good title to be added to your hand baggage. Fortunately, I was recently allowed 9kgs of excess baggage that comprised of 'just books' . 

But, ... that's beside the point - this book is a very engaging read right from the word 'Go'. 

Even as a travelogue, it serves as a good reference book to make you get the feel of what the city is like. 

I've known the writer for plenty -many years, to safely say she's evolved and her writing speaks for itself. 

If you are unsure whether the writer is worth your time, then take a leap of faith - the book only demands 

- 30 minutes out a speed reader 

-  two dedicated hours of a long distance traveler 

- and gifts two nights full of sleep (out of a slow reader), where you visit NYC in your dream - since its the second last thing you'd do before sleeping - the last thing probably being switching the lights out ... 

To cut the long story short - GO, GET THE BOOK, TODAY!!! 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Bombay Hangovers By Rochelle Potkar


After a yearlong search, I finally found a collectible that I'd like to showcase in my blog. 

I bought a signed copy from the author, in an event, where I reached just on time to learn that the book was the first attempt at short stories, by the writer. The buzz in and around the author sold more and more copies. 

I don't remember the last time in 5 years when I'd gotten myself groomed in a parlor and paid attention to myself, only to attend a book reading event - but when I reached there - the feeling was earthy. 

The cover design of the book most certainly captures the heart of the city. It visually exposes the look and feel of the city to the world out there. It is brilliant and should probably be chosen as a nomination for such a great cover design. The orange color is wow. 

Stories in the book are written, keeping the belief systems of the writer, intact. The author carries with herself a responsibility and she fulfills her duty through this book. If you're amongst those who carries a nametag of being a staunch anti-feminist or perhaps a realist or maybe a modernist, then I'd say to you - that this book is for those who can dowse their beliefs they hold dear with conviction and proof - through stories written therein. 
If you're looking for fluency or something that would take you by surprise, then this ain't the best read for you. This book will drill your innocence which seeks protection and isn't exposed as much as this book is. 

My verdict is that the book is an excellent go by the author. I'd recommend you listen to her videos first or read her interviews before you choose to read her book. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The City Of Good Death by Priyanka Champaneri


Someone recommended this book to me. 

In the first place, I find it difficult to decide which book to read and then, whether I must read it once I make that decision zeroing in on the title. The hesitation in my thoughts were there before I started reading the book. There was little insight exposed about the plot except that its based in the holy city of Banaras. 

This is the authors' debut added to my reluctance. However, the language was simple. The word scape was ethnically molded. The story ran slow. Despite having finished more than half the book, I was yet to establish answers to the most basic questions about the plot. It was then, I started to believe - perhaps this book is the prequel to the main plot which may open up in the next book. Even when I finished reading the book, I wondered whether the entire story was all about what I call 'an emotional hairpin'. An attachment to a emotional moment in one's life or to people. 

The cover design is beautiful. The parrots and the visual diffuses a yogic feel. Yellow color though is the color of Haldi, which was quite contradictory to what the story was about. 

One thing I absolutely despised was the attempt to debunk Indian customs, beliefs and practices as "Superstition". I always prophet it is the ignorance of people who devalue Indian practices. Those people have not bothered to have studied Indian scriptures, to know the reason behind every belief, custom and practices which exist. The science behind which supersedes everything they may have ever learned. 

'The pots.. ' was really not funny. There is much anger there. The spirits in Banaras are real. As real as the existence of our ancestors who are worshipped in our puja. The Garuda Puran sheds more knowledge into it, when it is organized right after someone passes away. They should not be mocked or misused for the benefit of a plot. The author was not able to deal with it well, she brought it out but couldn't resolve it due to her half knowledge. 

The good thing about the book is, the writer is able to keep the reader going. A person reads on, irrespective. 

The characterization is on the surface. The transformations in characters, which makes the reader see the different colors of a character over time has lot of scope. 

With this I end my review and wish the author best of luck!! 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Journey From Guwahati to Macchiwara

 So, its been a while I wrote a blog post, never mind but this book deserves a word. I admire persistence and determination in a person above all. When I read the name of the book, I had a curiosity within me, whats a life of a banker like? As I drove through the book I found bites from the lives of many people, I had to make many assumptions in order to understand the whole idea about why that story was there in the book. My expectation was to get a sneak peak into the life of a banker, all the stories in the book had everything but that. Most importantly, the title of the book misled me. 

However, the good part about the book is that the language is very simple. A person who spent their life in service will relate with the feelings of the author. The take away are memories, which probably a person not belonging to the service class community will never have an opportunity to collect. 

Most importantly, its the first book of the author, and an amateur writers first book I know is never his/her best work, its the second book which kicks off. I suggest the writer looks up characterization to refine his work. 

The cover design of the book is interesting and intriguing. The designer whoever that is, needs to be given the credit in the book, he'll get lots of work. He/she has done a great job. I'm familiar with the publishing house, Notion Press publishes good work - and this one is no exception. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Fifty Shades of Grey -The Trilogy by E L James

This one I'm writing is more like telling my blog, Yes darling am very much here.I haven't forgotten you, forsaken you or lost you - YET.

Ironically, the book seems to be alluring the same vibes! I just finished reading the third book and the first thought after I put the book down was - its time I revisited my blog.

OKAY! So firstly my journey with the series has been - first watching the movies one after the other and THEN reading the books. My review about the movies was that its "decent" - hell, ya. Now I leave it for you to decide whether that is a compliment or an insult. It is a very good representation of the book but it does leave a lot of sub plots they reveal unanswered and the viewer is left with a bundle of questions in their head - which are actually easily answered by logic - if they have any.

The books on the other hand is written well. The writer had to go ' beyond reason' in a lot of places for her to synchronize the stories as told by Ana = as told by Christian.

She has tried to come close to creating a parallel to Kama Sutra book of love. To those of you who have not read that book, Kama Sutra is much more than just a reference text for educational purposes - it has a story which compliments well with the variety of acts. Seems like EL James studied that book to showcase what runs the story that compliments the sexual acts the duo get into.

Ana's spontaneous acts contradicts Christian's planned controlled acts. Ana's need to fly(figure of speech) against Christian's need to keep firmly grounded in all his actions.... Ana's absolute disinterest in Money against Christian's absolute Monetary power. 

She has not been very creative with the antagonist part. In fact, they hardly have much role to play. Its interesting to see an author bring out the protagonists so strongly without having antagonists. That is a rare feat.

The detail to every second that she has managed to display is applaudable. The lust displayed in the book is definitely noticeable whereby it seems as if the author is more like penning down her desires and dreams even if it is at the cost of sacrificing the rhythmic flow of the story. There are So many places where putting in sex - just does not make any sense whatsoever.

One may be fooled to believe the book is Ana's story but the truth is its Christian's story all along not only in the basic trilogy but also the parallel one she is writing of the story being retold from Christian's perspective. Its all about -

- Finding your identity.
- Self Esteem.

Ana is just a fabricated by product to make the story happen.

On that thought - I think - I will end this review!!