Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Songs of a Ruin By Scottshak

ISBN : 9781946641304 

This is a poetry book published by Notion Press. 
It is always a soulful experience to dive into another's baggage of feelings. This one takes you to moments which describes a phase in a persons' life which one always holds dear and spends time remembering in latter years. These are times of confusion and mixed feelings where a person is high on curiosity, questioning every aspect of life that went by and that is is follow onwards. 
There is a motley emotional flow here, where the reader is swung to awaken and thrown into another emotion the moment a person starts enjoying and going deep into feeling a particular emotion. It is difficult to time the moment right and this book achieves that. 
The cover design looks like a guitar is disparaged by a storm or crushed into a scintilla. The title appears to warn the reader that what one is about to read is brambles left over where once a forest farm existed. 
some of the poems I liked include : 

1. Tears of Earth

2. Curses of a Faineant Lover

3. If You Were Everything 

There were poems which I liked and then there were poems I didn't understand. There wasn't anything in between.At the outset, I was on a lookout of a theme or message that the book might be putting across but I think there is none. The book is simply a compilation of work which the poet has experienced or penned down and wishes to share with the world. 
Having known the poet briefly, I'd add a personal touch by saying the poet has voyaged a long journey before being labelled as a published author. His path was strewn with many obstacles that his emotions triumphed over  which were kept shunned in a treasure chest but now that they are out they seek solace, acceptable, appreciation and love.  

The work gone behind the first book is most crucial. Sometimes, the extra time that goes before entering into a new stream  may appear harsh and brutal and frustrating and impossible and extremely challenging but in the end - it pays a lot more than the counterpart. 

The book overall is a good read. 

To encourage the poet, click on this link and purchase their book : 

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